
Hello! This is KANOA from Japan.

Thank you for visiting Vave!

Vave is a site that introduces plant-based recipes and writes articles that may help you solve your problems.

When I feel pain or sadness, looking back at it makes me feel better, so I named it “Dear Myself”.

Let me introduce myself here.

I may not have been a childlike child.

If someone said to me, “You are this type of person,” I would act that type of person.

I was always aware of the facial expressions of the person i was talking to. 

My favorite thing to do at this time was psychological testing.

I remember not wanting to know the other person, but wanting to know myself.

I made it through middle school, high school, and college, but I was too scared to do what I wanted to do.

The feeling of not being able to live my life, not being able to do anything right. I’was not happy.

I thought it would be easier if I followed someone else, but I don’t know who I am and I suffer.

Always looking for “rightness” on the outside.

Something is wrong.

But I knew deep down why it’s strange, but it’s a feeling I don’t want to notice.

What I was noticing is that what I am suffering now is the result of the choices I have made for myself.

And those choices are not “for myself” but for someone else, not for what I really want to do but to fill my fears.

I pretended not to notice because I knew I had a habit of thinking “it’s my fault.”
But this choice foreshadowed my happiness.
There was no need to blame myself at all!

I am grateful for the encounter that made me realize this.

Choose “I want to” over “it’s the right thing to do.

We’re all born with the skills to make ourselves shine.

That’s what I was taught✨

The more I am honest with myself as I am, the more my world starts to move.

It’s always me that I believe in.

I just have to make that choice.

Make yourself a priority, not others.

It is often said that reality is what you create.

What does exactly means, what am I thinking and what am I struggling to achieve?

There is hope behind the worries.

I too am still in training.

What kind of world would it be if everyone could freely flap their wings in their own way.

About the blog📖✨

On this site, I write what I feel ✏️

But you know, Everyone feels differently.

Some you think “That’s right!” and some you think “I don’t like the way of thinking”.

What you think and feel is true for you.

The fact that you thought “not” in response to my words may be the opposite of your truth.

That’s how I hope this blog will be a tool for you to increase your own purity 💖

I hope you enjoy Vave!