Dear myself(Blog),  Enjoy to the full your feeling!,  Repeat the same worries,  Trick that it is you who is holding yourself back!,  Unconfident / Negative thinking,  Work worries/future concerns

Admire others? Or accept yourself and make the most of it?✨

Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.

Have you ever admired something and tried to imitate it?

On another note, I went to the osteopath and he told me that my brain has input bad posture😳

I wanted to break that brain input and started working on improving it✨

The reason for my poor posture was imitation😳✨

When I was students, I had a friend who had so beautiful décolleté, but in my case, I had to shrug my shoulders to see my collarbone😂

So I started shrugging my shoulders and it became a habit, and my posture got worse 😂 lol

Be who I am💖

I think that I had erased my sense of self and was conscious of the beauty created by admiration for others.

But I wanted to at the time ✨
I respect myself for following that heart✨

Thank you for making me realize💝

It is healthy to be who I am💖

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