When you have someone you want to get back together with
Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.
What kind of person is attractive to you? ✨
As for me, I’d say someone who is full of his/her own personality, always in a relaxed atmosphere, nostalgic, honest with himself/herself, emotional, and full of love ・・・・!
In a nutshell, person loves freedom ✨
I think freedom is the ultimate love 💝
Giving yourself permission, accepting and being who you are💖
To overflow your charm, it’s important to know yourself first 🌈
It may not just be because you like the person.
You may think they cannot be happy without that person, or just be dating to drown out their loneliness.
If you can fulfill yourself, you are going to happy in any situation.
Then there will come a time when happiness doesn’t need conditions.
You won’t feel lonely even if you are alone.
When you know yourself and your charm overflows from the inside out, you may be able to get back together with ease,
Or if you know the true purpose and essence of why you want to get back together, you may not need to be concerned about getting about it.
There is a future of getting back together and there is also a future of a new relationship 💖
You have both in your future.
Which one will you choose 🌈?