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What’s Fu? Introducing Fu that makes the dining gorgeous

I believe Fu is not familiar to Westerners. Fu is a food made from wheat flour. There are baked fu, raw fu, and fried fu. There are various patterns and shapes. It is really cute. This time is the story of Fu.

There are baked fu, raw fu, and fried fu.

There are some types of fu, raw fu, baked fu and fried fu. Since baked fu and dried fu is dry, it is often eaten in soup.

Oops, don’t forget! Fu can also be used as sweets! It is a simple sweet seasoned with raw sugar. Called Fugashi.

Fu are made from wheat flour. Add water to the flour, knead well, and wash well with water.

Protein (gluten) is produced by washing until the starch is gone. Raw fu is made by adding mochi (rice cake) powder to this.

Fu is rich in protein!

Baked fu and fried fu is not mochi flour, but is made by mixing wheat flour, baking it, and drying it. Fried fu is fried, not baked.

There are differences in what kind of fu is frequently used depending on the region.

Fu is from China

Fu is said to have come from a Chinese monk. At the beginning, only high-ranking people such as the emperor ate, but later the monks began to eat it as a Buddhist vegetarian meal.

Related article: Is Buddhism not eating meat and fish? The mystery of Buddhist vegetarian meal

It was a valuable source of protein for the monk.

It was about 200 years ago that Fu was eaten by the ordinary people. At this time, it seems that they were often eaten as sweets rather than as dishes.

By the way, Fu is a single letter in japanese. When I investigated why it was called this way, it was because it was also called “Fū” in China.

Compared to Chinese Fu, Japanese Fu has a cute shape and pattern, which makes the dining table gorgeous.

Let’s use Fu!

There are various colors and shapes of Fu, and using Fu makes the table gorgeous.

If you are in Japan, be sure to go to the Fu area of ​​the grosserie stores to see it. You will definitely want to buy it. Baked fu and fried fu are often placed in the dry foods area, and raw fu are often placed in the tofu or paste products area. They have different textures, it’s interesting.

The image is an example, but there are many variations of shapes and patterns, especially for baked fu.

It’s easy to put in miso soup, and it’s a common way to use fu in Japan.Just add the baked fu just before eating the miso soup. All you have to do is put the fu in a cup and pour the miso soup. Like instant food. No need to boil, bake or boil.

Vave introduces dishes using Fu, please refer to it.
(The image is Hooked on this texture! Refined Potato-mochi)

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