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Crispy, chewy, easy, grilled hashed brown lotus root

Introducing hashed lotus root made by grilling without frying. Of course, it is delicious even if fried.

ECO point
You can use the same oil 4 to 5 times. The potato skin has a deodorant effect, and when fried, it deodorizes the scent. But if it’s been over 2 weeks, it’s bad for your health. When throwing it away,Soak the oil in newspaper and throw it away so that it does not flow into the sink! A powder that can easily harden oil is sold in Japan for about $ 1. If you throw it in the sink, it will affect the environment like sea, river, nature, living thing etc…

Ingredients (For 1 serving)

  • Lotus root 350g
  • 1-2 tablespoons of potato starch
  • About 2 knobs of salt

How to make

  1. Slice the lotus root and boil it.
  2. Cut the cooked lotus root into small pieces. (It’ll be sticky)
  3. Put lotus root, potato starch and salt in a bowl, and put a lot of oil in a pan and grill it. (It’s OK to fry it if you want)
  4. Sprinkle salt (not included in recipe).


  • It will be more delicious if you season the lotus root.

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