99% of people's problems are relationships!,  Dear myself(Blog),  Return to yourself as you are♡

Judging people? How do you make a painful relationship easier? 💖

Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.

What does Judging people means?👩‍⚖️

Dictionary says Judgement means an opinion or estimate formed by examining and comparing📚

Of course, the court will “judge” the case according to the law 👩⚖️.

Then, in your personal life, who is judging phenomenon along with what?

Let things be as they are💖

When you see things what they really are, your world will be seen changing🌏💖

Common sense is a prejudice acquired by the age of 18✨ (Einstein)

VIVA freedom💚

Related article: What’s beyond enlightenment? There is your own truth 

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