Make some plans?Just because? Which do you prefer? 🌈
Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.
The other day, I spent the whole day planning, and all the timing didn’t work out😂
The timing wasn’t right and everyone around me was getting frustrated and I thought back “something wrong 😳” and there were the trigger!
I had been planning since the night before and trying to move my family along with it 😂
The Control
The timing didn’t work, everyone was exhausted and sighing 😂
But I’ve learned this feeling from this!
For me, I’m more comfortable with “just because” rather than rigidly planning 🎐 and going with the flow is smoother ✨
It means I don’t have to be in a hurry and act out by fear😉👍
I’m so excited that I’m getting closer to that kind of relaxed me 😍
See more: Happy no matter what happens? Do you feel that way? 🌈