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Miso prevent spot? Secrets of miso for health and beauty

Do you guys like miso? Today is the story of miso!

There are countless types of miso (fermented soybean paste) in Japan. Sweet one, dry one, white miso, dark brown miso, and local miso.

This is the miso area of ​​the nearby Grosserie store, there is so much miso. This is the same for any glossary store. However, the types of miso sold differ depending on the region. Miso strongly reflects the characteristics of each region.

Plus, the taste of miso is completely different depending on the manufacturer. Some use fish stock.

If you don’t like the miso soup you drank for the first time, the results may change if you drink other miso soup. This is because different types of miso have a completely different taste.

Miso soup served in many restaurants is often use mixed miso, but it will vary depending on the region. Miso soup from sushi restaurants around Osaka is often dark brown miso. (Actually, I’m not a big fan of dark brown miso. When I go to sushi restaurant in Osaka, they are definitely ask people if there is no problem with miso soup using dark brown miso. From this, I think many people are not a big fan of dark brown miso.)

Rough characteristics of miso

  • Dark brown miso has a high salt concentration and a strong taste.
  • White miso has a sweet taste and is light.
  • In addition, there is also mixed miso, which is a mixture of miso with different types of jiuqu and miso from different origins, and the individuality of each is mixed to create miso with a new flavor.

I hope you can find your favorite miso.

Do Japanese people live longer thanks to miso?

There is a saying that you should pay the miso shop rather than the doctor.

Miso is so good for your body that you can say this!

Miso contains essential amino acids, vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium, etc. Miso soup contains essential amino acids, vitamins, magnesium, iron and potassium. It also has the effects of cancer prevention, hangover, brain activation, bone strengthening, and anti-aging.

It seems that free linoleic acid produced in the fermentation process of soybeans has a function of suppressing melanin production, and if you dink miso soup twice a day may reduce spot!?
Reference article: Nikkei ARIA

Isoflavones are closely related to the study of breast cancer incidence, and the National Cancer Center has published the research results.
Click here if you are interested: National Cancer Center Prevention Research Group About the relationship between soy isoflavone intake and breast cancer incidence

How to use miso?

When cooking with miso, add it at the end of the cooking. Then, the scent of miso will not disappear. Also, when making miso soup, the key to making delicious miso soup is that all the ingredients in the miso soup are cooked, then turn off the heat, add the miso, and do not bring it to a boil when you turn it on again.

If you are interested in Japanese history

Areas famous for miso are related to samurai lord. The samurai lord were fighting with nutritious rice and miso. At that time, they commander ordered the construction of a miso factory.

If you are interested in Japanese history, it will be interesting to look it up.

Let’s use miso!

Miso that is good for both body and beauty. Let’s use it positively!

Click here for recipes using miso.

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