99% of people's problems are relationships!,  Dear myself(Blog),  Return to yourself as you are♡

Revenge! Do you know why do you want to fight fire with fire?❤️‍🔥

Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.

When you say something, it is up to the other person to decide how they receive it 🌈.

On the other hand, when someone says something to you, how you perceive it is also up to you😍.

When someone says something that irritates you, it can be something that’s already bothering you inside, or something that caught you.

The other person is a mirror✨

It means, when someone make a statement that irritates you, it’s likely that someone concerned about it themselves, when that happens mutual attacks begin😳.

It’s same that you attacked yourself.

Why do I react so much?

I am grateful to people who create the opportunity to notice me in this way 💖

But what should I do this broken heart?❤️‍🩹

It’s simple! I recommend to know how to heal it by yourself.

When you know yourself, it’s healed strongly😍

If you don’t feel it’s healed at that time, maybe you notice it later.

When you started to know yourself, naturally you think you don’t need to attack the person in front of you.

It’s miracle✨

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