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Similar to Teriyaki! Simmered Taro in Sweetened Soy Sauce

This is a simple dish, the preparation affects the taste. Seasoning is similar to teriyaki.

ECO Point
Don’t you leave the water running when you wash the dishes? Water is an important natural resource. Let’s use washtub. You can save 1/9 of the amount of water If you use dishwasher.

Ingredients(For 1 – 2 serving)

How to make

Peel the taro and rub it lightly with salt.
Boil in rice water  until coocked. (Get rid of the scum)
After cooked, wash with water and remove the slime.

  1. stir-fry the prepared taro.
  2. Add water and cooking sake, and when it boils, add sugar and simmer for 5 to 6 minutes.
  3. Add soy sauce, and finally add mirin to make it shine.


  • The basis of Japanese food is to add cooking sake and sugar first, and then add soy sauce and other strong flavors. Otherwise, the sweetness will not soak into the vegetables.
  • Japanese food has some simple dishes,It means that the taste cannot be cover up it with something. But you can bring out the delicate taste by properly preparing the vegetables accoading to each vegetables.

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