When you get stubborn and relationships don’t work 💖
Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.
I wrote a following article the other day✨
Are you wanting others to understand you? 🌈
But today,I’m going to write opposite it😉
If you don’t want to accept it, you don’t have to accept it.
If you want someone to accept, you need only accept yourself.
You do not have to be accepted by anyone.
As long as you know and accept yourself well 💝
Someday, you will find the right people for you✨
There is no need to control/order the other person because they have their own freedom.
A fight is only possible when there is a side that is stubborn and does not want to accept and a side that wants someone to accept.
But if there is a simple structure of respecting each other and not accepting the other if you don’t want to accept them and accepting them if you want to accept them, will there ever be a fight?