When you have lots of tasks and goals at work but no goals for yourself 🌈
Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.
Are you currently in one of the following situations?
You are moving forward with your goals at work, but when it comes to yourself, you don’t know what you want.
On Mondays, you go to work as if something is manipulating me, I am driven by tasks in the name of goals and plans, and I feel like I am living for the company.
What is the life?
There are things that you want to do, but you are not free to do as you are employed.
Sometimes it feels like you can live safely if you lose your emotions like a robot.
I know this situation.
When I was suffering in this way, the founder of Earthius phylosophy the following words.
That company is the president’s dream, not yours.
That’s right! This company is not my dream!
But what is my dream?
I didn’t know what I am, which is the most important thing.
I didn’t know what to do when I suddenly turn my attention to myself, where I have been trying to lose my emotions and feel nothing.
If you are in such a case, I think it is good to try to be aware of feeling your emotions in your daily life without rushing ✨
Before, I used to pretend that I wasn’t frustrated and didn’t feel frustrated.
But from now on, when you get frustrated, you can say to yourself in your mind, “Oh, I’m frustrated now”.
What situation would irritate me?
What situations make me feel happy? Ask yourself 📣✨
Instead of looking for yourself on the outside, listen to your inner voice.
This is something only you can do ✨