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Kyoto-style, basic Okara(Simmerd Tofu pulp with vegetable)

Introducing the basic method of making simmerd tofu pulp with vegetables using okara from a tofu shop in Kyoto.

ECO Point
Don’t you leave the water running when you wash the dishes? Water is an important natural resource. Let’s use washtub. You can save 1/9 of the amount of water If you use dishwasher.

Ingredients(For 1 – 2 serving)

How to make

Cut green onions into small peasies.
Pour boiling water over konjac to remove the odor and cut into strips.
For fried tofu, pour boiling water over it to drain the oil and chop it into strips.
Dried shiitake mushrooms are rehydrated and slice.
Rehydrate the Kiriboshi daikon with water.

  1. Put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a pan, stir fry konjac, when it’s cooked, add Tofu pulp (okara), fried tofu, dried japanese white radish, and shiitake mushrooms. If the oil is low, add more oil.
  2. When the okara absorbed oil, add sugar, soy sauce, and shiitake mushroom juice.
  3. Reduce the heat to low so that it does not burn, stir for 5 to 6 minutes.
  4. Finally, add the green onions, stir for a minute or two, and season with salt.


  • This dish is very healthy and goes well with rice.
  • But probably difficult to get okara outside of Japan. If you live in Japan, give it a shot!

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