What’s beyond enlightenment? There is your own truth 💖
Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.
This world is empty.
It is said in Buddhism 🧊✨
Do you know what EMPTY means here?
“Emptiness” is often mixed with the word “nothingness,” but it is important to note that it means that there is no fixed substance, and that existence is not “nothingness.
Reference article: 日蓮宗
There is no fixed and unchanging thing, but there is existence as a result of the composition of various conditions. This is abstract, so let me explain with an example.
Here are two twigs. The twig on the left is longer and thicker than the one on the right.
This twig on the left is the longer and thicker twig, and the one on the right is the shorter and thinner twig.
But what happens if we add yet another, longer, thicker twig?
What used to be a long, thick twig turns into a medium-sized twig.
The attributes and labeling given to this twig have changed.
Attributes, titles, and labels are not fixed, changing depending on what is being compared, the state, and the date of the month. However, its existence as a branch exists no matter what attributes are given to it.
In this case, the labeling of a twig as long or short, thick or thin, etc. is “empty.
We, too, always have titles, statuses, attributes, etc. However, they are always given to us only by chance according to conditions, and they are not fixed, but change.
However, we continue to exist while changing.
This idea of existing while changing is “emptiness”.
Being empty means everything depends on your point of view.
That’s why it’s important to be moderate✨
Being moderate without leaning towards the middle leads to mental stability and staying balanced ✨
I hear that meditation is also popular in Western countries.
Over the past few years, I have been searching in my own way to find out where the middle ground is for me, sometimes going to the extremes!
I’ve been in a very calm situation lately, letting go of things that I feel are disturbing my mind, and I’ve felt something in that kind of life 😳
I love colorful world💖
Happy, joyful, angry, sad, I want my world to be colorful❤️🖤💚💙💛🤍💜🧡
I was born on earth as a human being and it would be a shame not to savor it all ❣️
There is no sound in space, right? Because there is no atmosphere.
There are voices, music, birdsong, waves, wind, and so much fun stuff on earth 🌏🕊🌊🎐🎐♬💃🌳
I want to savor my emotions in the same way 😍
I want to leave the white canvas white 🤍There was a time when I felt like that, but now I want to make it colorful 🎨✨
When I think about it, I realize that all the hard and sad things that have happened to me have been the right thing to do!
What I myself wanted to taste ✨😍
I’ve already had my fill of painful and sad perspectives, so now I’m ready to savor fun, joy, and happiness 😍💖
Even if the same things happens, it can vary greatly depending on one’s point of view👀✨
Phenomena are colorless and emotions are colored, I think knowing this and putting colors on the canvas is different from putting colors on the canvas without understanding 💖
I was able to do this because I kept searching for the middle ground and found my own “here” ✨
You can keep eating delicious food, but if you don’t know anything else about it, you won’t even notice that it’s delicious ✨
A hole in a donut is a hole only because there is dough around it🕳💖 like a black hole✨
Thank you for everything I’ve met✨Thank you💖